Meet Robin Russell and Damon Andres!
ROBIN RUSSELL was raised in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, CA. She was a licensed massage therapist for 15 years. However, she found her true passion while working as an assistant dog trainer for power breeds. She found her calling in animal rescue and the love of animals specializing in pit bull type breeds.
DAMON ANDRES is also a California native. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. He has owned a dog for as long as he can remember and has always been an animal lover. Damon has worked in the entertainment industry for the last 16 years, doing audio for live television.
Damon and Robin met a few years ago and founded D- (Damon) R- (Robin) DR DOGHOUSE BULLY CREW. They came together and formed this organization to highlight bully breeds in a positive light through education and training. They rescue neglected, homeless, and abused dogs and place them in loving forever homes. Damon and Robin know firsthand how loving, smart, special, loyal and sweet bully breeds can be. They want to change the racism and fear of these dogs and have made it their mission to educate the public on the MISUNDERSTOOD "Bully Breeds".
While Damon and Robin have a special place in their hearts for bully breeds their name, "CREW" does not discriminate. They have rescued and placed dogs of all breeds, shapes and sizes. DR DOGHOUSE BULLY CREW is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. Their organization is run 100% on donations and the kindness of the community.
Damon and Robin would like to thank each and every person who has helped and is visiting this site. "Together we can save lives! God Bless you and God Bless all the Dogs".
- Damon and Robin
Our Mission
To rescue homeless, neglected dogs from the streets and from owner surrender /or from public shelters where they are in danger of being euthanized. We provide veterinary/medical care for rescued dogs, including spayed or neutered, vaccinations, microchipped and treating for any medical conditions .We provide shelter and care for rescued dogs, whether in foster homes, boarding facilities or training facilities. We make our rescued dogs available for public adoptions and in an online adoption forums such as www.DDBCR.Com orwww.Petfinder.com but limited to. We provide the public with information regarding RESPONSIBLE pet ownership, including information about training, behavior, nutrition and low cost or no cost spay/neuter. We believe that training and assessment is a must when rescuing power breeds and placing them in forever homes. Dr Doghouse Bully Crew rescue Backs our dogs and our adopters when you adopt a dog from us you become part of our family.